Skyrim add gold to merchant
Skyrim add gold to merchant

You can use your preferred mod manager to download and install the mod. Ordinator should be loaded before my mod, and the compatibility patch should come after my mod. The only special installation steps are ensuring a correct load order if you use Ordinator. If there's any other mods out there that this is incompatible with let me know and I'll see about adding compatibility. I've never before worked with the Creation Kit so I'm hoping I've been careful enough with my changes that the above modifications will be the only source of concern. My mod should be loaded AFTER Ordinator and the compatibility patch should come next. The patch is required to fix the perks that Ordinator changes. The download is available in the Optional Files section. If you play using the "Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim" mod then good news: there is a compatibility patch available that will allow my mod to work with it.

skyrim add gold to merchant

The main issue you will run into is if you use mods that change the Master Trader and Investor perks. This mod should be compatible with almost every other mod out there. The gold you originally spent investing will not be refunded to you. However at the moment the gold you originally invested into their shop won't be removed either so they'll have a bit more gold than other merchants. It helped me to learn the Creation Kit as well as avoid issues the old mod had.īe aware that while you can drop this mod into an existing save it will reset all merchants who have already been invested in back to not being invested in. This version of the mod is not a port of the original, I created this from the ground up. I really liked the idea of requiring some player investment and there didn't seem to be any existing mods that fit the category so I set out to create this mod. This mod is based on the mod "Richer Merchants" from classic Skyrim, however that mod is not available for the Special Edition. Investing in a merchant via the Investor perk will give merchants another 5,000 gold, however this means you will first need to give them 5,000 of your own gold. The Master Trader perk will give merchants 5,000 more gold. This mod will give merchants more gold when the Master Trader and Investor perks are unlocked.

Skyrim add gold to merchant